7 reasons why Taylor Momsen potentially doesn’t like Beyblades.

By Nathan Jones
  1. They might find the concept of battling spinning tops uninteresting or too simplistic.

2. They might have had a negative experience with beyblades in the past.

3. They might prefer other types of toys or games.

4. They might not like the physical exertion required to launch and control the beyblades.

5. They might find the noise or motion of the spinning tops annoying or distracting.

6. They might not want to invest time and effort into learning the intricacies of the game.

7. They might not like the competitive nature of beyblades and prefer more cooperative or collaborative games.

Momsen has not replied to our questions on the topic and has not confirmed one way or the other about their opinions on beyblades. Take this with a huge grain of salt as we are just erring on the side that they probably don’t like beyblades and trying to get out in front of the issue and to the bottom of the reason why.

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