Schools to get rid of last day of school starting 2024.

By Nathan Jones

“What are we supposed to learn on that final day anyways? We already took the standardized test.”

-Groseph Branderson 3rd Grader

Teachers and students will no longer have to come in on the last day of school starting in 2024. After many letters, phone calls, walkouts and protests advocates for getting rid of the last day of school will finally be heard.

Secretary of Education announced the news at an end of year party. Starting next school year school districts across the country will be moving the last day of school in front of the first day of school effectively eliminating the final day of school.

“This has been a long fight but it all paid off in the end. Kids everywhere can finally start summer a day early.” Says 8 and a half year old Amberly McNopel. “It just makes sense.”

Educators warn this could be a slippery slope.

“Next it’s going to be the second to last day of school. When does it stop. This is stupid.”

-Principal Shawnson

Most others think it will be a good thing and might even have the potential to save lives.

*The names have been changed to protect the identity of the students and faculty.

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