New Duplication Glitch emerges hours after the recent update

By Nathan Jones

First was the arrow glitch, then the shield hopping method. Then the glider. Forget about those here is the easiest way to duplicate any item faster than ever even after the recent patch.

First you will need to have made it to every tower. When you have unlocked all parts of the map all you will need is the item you want to duplicate.

1. Place item you want in the last spot in inventory.

2. Find a rock on the ground and lift it over your head.

3. While holding it quickly activate the god hand and grab it before it falls.

4. Lift it above your head and drop it 5 times.

5. Hit start and select at the same time.

6. Hit L , R, ZL, ZR, screen cap, dpad up down left right up down left right, then start and select at the same time again. (you should hear a chime if done correctly)

7. Fast travel to the first tower you unlocked. Then Fast travel to the next tower you unlocked. Continue this chronologically by unlock order.

8. Once you’ve visited all the towers in order you will want to go to the Cave of discovery where you started the game out.

9. Crouch down, stand up, crouch down, stand up

10. Pull out your arrow

11. Attach the item you want duplicated to the arrow.

12. Open menu and drop the bow.

13. Equip another bow and press start really fast twice.

14. Drop the bow

15. Pick up both bows. The item should have increased by one.

Let us know if this worked for you. Hopefully they don’t catch onto this one and patch it out like the other methods.

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