Gatorade announces new twist top bottle that opens

By Nathan Jones

PepsiCo announced late Tuesday that they are in the R&D phase of a new bottle design for its Gatorade line of sports drinks. This redesign shows that PepsiCo has been listening to its fan base and is finally going to deliver a much needed feature.

“The people have made their voices heard and their message is clear. New bottles that open will be dropping later this summer at grocery stores near you!”

-Brett O’Brien

For nearly 60 years now Gatorade has been a mainstay in the sports world. Over the years the bottle has evolved in various ways. The bottles we are accustomed to today came about in the late 90s after the company shifted away from glass bottles.

With the advent of plastic bottles there was a big oversight that went mostly unnoticed for the last 25 years. These new plastic bottles didn’t open. They were not designed to be opened. Slowly the public caught on to the fact that the bottles don’t open and demanded change.

In an effort to restore trust in the brand Gatorade has fully revamped the design of the bottle to include perforations on the twist top seal that now allow it to be twisted open unlike the previous model. This new feature is sure to be a hit but only time will tell.

One response to “Gatorade announces new twist top bottle that opens”

  1. Jennifer Jones Avatar
    Jennifer Jones

    Hahahaha! OMG, I can’t quit laughing! Kno wonder I don’t drink Gatorade…I can’t open the lid! Wow, I’m happy to heithat Gatorade desires to promote healthy bottle opening because I have scar’s on my palms to prove the need to open a Gatorade beverage safely!


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