Shou Chew Joins The Fight!

By Nathan Jones

“I could wipe the floor with both of these mother ******* at the same time, no cap.”

-Shou Chew

In a recent TikTok Live stream Chew announced that he is dead serious about fighting both Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg at the same time. He went on to suggest they can fight in his back yard as his mom is out of town for the week.

“Musk can tell his mom he’s going to Zuck’s house, and Zuck can tell his mom he’s going to Musk’s house and then secretly come to my house. 2 v 1 no holds barred handicap match mother fuckers!”

Zuckerberg has been staying sharp by training every day and sparring with his sisters in the octagon.

UFC is looking to sanction the event live on TikTok from Shou Chew’s Backyard this summer as long UFC’s mom says it’s okay.

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