Twitter now allowing you to view only 3 tweets per day.

By Nathan Jones

After much backlash from Twitter users when Elon Musk introduced the restriction to viewing only 600 tweets per day (for free users), he then went down to 300. After critics voiced their opposition to the rule he again went to 200. More tweets flooded in making fun of him and the champion of free speech has reduced it further to 100.

“Say something I disagree with again and your looking at 50 tweets buddy!”

-Elon Musk

Poolside frantically refreshing his feed he was immediately challenged after threatening to “turn this car right back around and no ice cream for anyone!”

50 tweets it is. As more and more people voiced the freedom of speech about their dislike of his new rule Musk dropped it to 25. This back and forth continued through the weekend resulting in fewer and fewer tweets to be viewed.

The most current rule now sits at allowing you the freedom to view just 3 tweets per day, 2 of which are from Elon Musk and the 3rd is randomly selected for you from a batch of pre screened tweets that meet Elon’s approval.

Fostering freedom of speech like never seen before Twitter will now MAC ban you if you even mention the slightest disdain for only getting to see your 1 random tweet.

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