Movie Theater promotes The Sound of Freedom with highly successful adoption drive

By Nathan Jones

After the internet has been filled with reports of various theaters sabotaging the release of the film, “The Sound of Freedom,” one theater chain uses this opportunity for good. Many reports came rolling in this week claiming the temperature was too hot, some having the temps way too cold, some even having glitches during the movie in an effort to silence the message of this film.

Interscape Cinemas however embraced the message and even put together a promotion for the film. As movie goers entered the theatre they were greeted with a giant cage of children that they could adopt on their way out. None of the children were harmed and all were locally sourced from various trafficking raids.

“We facilitated the adoption of nearly every child that was in that cage within an hour! Huge success!”

-Theater Manager

What seemed like a controversial idea at first turned out to save hundreds of lives. Hopefully the temp is okay when you see this movie this weekend during record highs this summer.

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