Trump supporters everywhere flock to the nearest Coin Star to help with impending legal fees

By Nathan Jones

Faced with more indictments than they can count to, MAGA republicans across the nation have started to dig deep into their couches, car cup holders, 5 gallon jugs, their kids piggy banks, college funds and virtually anywhere you can think of to scrounge up whatever they have to donate to the cause.

“I voted for him cause he is a rich and successful business man as far as I could tell on the apprentice and our nation needs someone who is good at having lots of money and that’s exactly why we need to give him our money too.”

-Chad Chadderton
“Ain’t no president of mine gonna be poor, that’s just un-American.”

Even though Trump’s supporters know he could afford to pay his own legal fees because he is the richest man in their world, it’s the principal of that matter that makes Chadderton want to lend a hand. Chad wants to help now so that come 2024 Trump still has a bunch of money to be president with.

Please help make America great again again by donating to the link below. Just 45 cents a day could help feed this poor 77 year old man with a bright future ahead of him.

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