ERCOT runs extension cord from Oklahoma to ease grid demand

By Nathan Jones

ERCOT tells Texans not to be concerned this summer as they have secured a deal with neighboring state. Oklahoma has graciously allowed ERCOT to plug into an extension cord they ran over Texas/Oklahoma border.

ERCOT still suggests setting your thermostat to 100°F or completely turning off all of your power to help with the strain on the power grid.

“If we all just shut off all breakers at our homes and completely shut off all power to everything for the remainder of the year our grid should survive for a few weeks until it gets cold.”


After a record breaking summer with a never ending heat dome Texas should be lucky the darn grid works at all. Officials suggest that if you have AC not to use it when it’s hot and if you have a heater not to use it when it’s cold. Those are just meant to be used when the weather is comfortably room temp on the lowest setting if the grid is stable.

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