Trump says it’s too early to announce running mate; needs to know more about Ramaswamy’s head game and his whereabouts on 9-11.

By Tucker Carlson

As the GOP scrambles to figure out who will be representing their party in 2024 many speculate the winner of the debate, Vivek Ramaswamy might be their best option. Most still aren’t sold on the idea of having someone that looks like him (a young person) in office representing people that look like them (old).

Polls show that he started to really shine the harder he leaned into supporting Trump. When questioned many people in the audience said they didn’t care much about his platform or policies but could identify with his blind faith in Trump.

“He didn’t have much substance to his character. Seemed kinda fake, but he did say every key point I wanted to hear including his love for Trump. I’m conflicted on publicly supporting someone that looks so (young) but it’s possible he could be the gotcha card to prove to people I am not (ageist)

-Anonymous Debate Viewer

When we reached out to Trump, the current front runner of the party, he had no information to share. He claimed he didn’t want to make any promises on his running mate just yet and implied that he needs to know exactly where he is from, what kind of (young) he is exactly, to see some birth certificates, and ask him more about his whereabouts and his odd statements concerning 9-11. He also wants to “try the shoe on before buying it.”

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