Senate Grills Alexander Graham Bell During Testimony at Online Child Safety Hearing

By Nathan Jones

After an intense grilling many tech CEOs of popular social media apps divert blame to the platform itself. The phone. Lindsay Graham delivered a brutal questioning of Alexander Graham Bell asking what he has done to limit the amount of prank calls he receives.

“Shouldn’t you be allowed to be sued because a child talked on a phone and then committed a crime?”


Citing instances of pranks, swatting, self harm and phone sex on 900 numbers that do little to nothing to prevent a child from calling the number. Rather than go after the perpetrator the US Senate suggests taking it all the way to the source, the phone itself and its inventor.

We think it is fair to say that if a child gets kid napped, injured, abused, neglected, sold fentanyl, dies, gets depressed, engages in crimes, starts selling drugs, runs away, or really any bad thing that could happen to a child happens and they so happened to have used a phone in their lifetime we should be allowed to sue the inventor of the phone.

Alexander Graham Bell took no responsibility nor did he agree on any new laws or legal framework be set in place to govern the use of it’s tool the phone.

“I just invented it I did not commit the crimes.”

-Mr. Bell

He then likened the scenario to guns and gun manufactures not being held liable for shootings.

“Should I be able to sue gmail for facilitating the sending of an email with an explicit ad or other spam?”

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