Nickelodeon’s ratings are sky high as people scour old shows to post mildly weird clips

By Nathan Jones

After the recent tell all doc featuring Drake Bell and others involved in Nickelodeon shows has set the internet ablaze, it has also reignited views on Nickelodeon. Nick execs were once facing low views as their programming department has just been playing reruns of the big 3 SpongeBob, iCarly and Friends, not counting whatever cg crap Nick jr. is up to.

The damning accounts featured in the documentary should have hurt Nickelodeon but insiders have said it has only done the opposite. Now everyone online is clamoring to have the next best post stating, “we shoulda known Dan was up to no good in this clip,” with an accompanying clip of feet or weird innuendos.

Trying to outdo the latest clip has resulted in people spending countless hours digging through multiple episodes of the Thundermans, a show that no one has reportedly ever watched until they realized their might be some weird stuff in it involving kids.

“I’m just glad people are finally watching The Thundermans.”

-Jed Spingarn

Some are calling for boycott as soon as they are done watching every episode of iCarly to find a weird clip of Gibby being weird.

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